Disease-Resistant Roses

When we say Easy Elegance®, we meant it. Our roses are bred with the utmost thought and care, always keeping what you as gardeners need from your roses in the forefront. Of course, that means roses with beautiful and unique blooms that are hardy and require low care. But there’s one more biggie: disease resistance!

Screaming Neon Red Rose

We put Easy Elegance® Roses to the test with landscape and production trials throughout the country to test their disease resistance in different environments. During these trials, we use no chemicals, pruning, winter cover, or irrigation. If they don’t keep flowering with clean, fresh foliage, simply put, they don’t make the cut.

So, toss out the idea of roses from the past that might have required chemicals and lots of hours in the garden to keep them looking clean and healthy. When you have an Easy Elegance® Rose in your landscape, you can garden with confidence knowing their leaves will stay clean and green and their blooms will look gorgeous all season long!

Browse through our collection and pick out your next disease-resistant Easy Elegance® Rose, here!