Rose Glossary

Whether you’re new to gardening with roses or a seasoned pro, it’s important to know the key words involved to help you provide the best care possible for your plants. Below you’ll find a list of commonly used words that will help you out in the garden.


The unopened, developing flower bloom.


The stem of a rose.


Nutrient-rich material that is created by decomposing organic matter.


The point on a shrub where the stems meet the root system.


Removing flower heads or spent blooms. Our blog on deadheading breaks it all down further.


The dying of plant tips or stems due to disease or weather.


A plant that is temporarily stopped from growing, typically during winter months.


A method of growing where one plant is created by uniting a root system of one plant with a bud or stem of a different plant.


The ability for a plant to survive freezing temperatures outside.

Rose Hip

The fruit of a rose that ripens in late summer or fall. You can even make jelly with rose hips!

Hybrid Tea

A rose made by crossing two different species. Typically display large individual flowers on long stems.

Loam Soil

Loam is the best type of soil for gardening. It has a balanced mix of humus, sand, and clay. Learn more by reading our blog on the best soil for roses.

Own Root

A rose grown on its own root and not budded onto another rootstock.


pH is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. It is measured on a scale of 1 (extremely acid) to 14 (extremely alkaline), with pH of 7.0 being neutral.


Repeat flowering.


An area assigned by the USDA for an area with similar hardiness conditions, providing an outline of where a plant will live. Check out our blog on Understanding Plant Zone Hardiness for more information.

You can order roses online during our shipping season or use our Find a Retailer tool to locate Easy Elegance® Roses at garden centers near you. Follow us on social @easyeleganceroses and tag us when you post a picture of your beautiful Easy Elegance® roses. And for monthly tips, inspiration, and more, make sure to sign up for our newsletter.