Garden roses are more than just the pretty red, long-stemmed ones you see at the flower shop. They are plants with a variety of colors, textures, and use in the home garden. Easy Elegance® Roses go even one step further. Easy Elegance® Roses are shrub roses that are meant to last in the landscape. They are cold hardy, heat tolerant, and naturally disease resistant. On top of that, the whole color spectrum is represented, so these roses can fit into any landscape. From white to yellow to pink and red, name your favorite rose color and we’ve got you covered! From long-stem type roses to compact varieties and those that grow in clumps, Easy Elegance® Roses also provide a variety of sizes and textures to make your garden even more spectacular. Want more information? Check out all of the roses in our collection here, or follow this color wheel around to learn about some of the most popular varieties.
Champagne Wishes Rose
Macy’s Pride™ Rose
Yellow Brick Road Rose
Music Box Rose
Coral Cove Rose
Calypso Rose
My Girl Rose
Little Mischief Rose
Kashmir Rose
Screaming Neon Red™ Rose
Como Park Rose