It’s time to make rose gardening even easier! This calendar is your new go to resource for all things roses. Every care tip you’ll need, broken down by season. It’s all here to set you up for success with your roses and make 2024 your best blooms yet.

- Remove winter protective mulch once you’re past the last frost. This is different for everyone and may be different each year, so keep your eye on the local weather.
- Check for winter damage and cut off damaged stems just where fresh green stems appear. If this is all of the way down to the ground, no matter! Your Easy Elegance® Rose will come back good as new once the growing season begins.
- Prune stems back by up to 1/3 to encourage new growth or to shape, if desired.
- Roses are heavy feeders and need good nutrition to look their best. A combination of inorganic and organic fertilizer is ideal. Apply an inorganic fertilizer that is high in phosphorus once flower buds start to appear. An organic fertilizer such as aged manure or compost will provide long lasting nutrients and will help build good soil. Check out our blog on fertilizing roses to learn more.
- Once soil warms up, layer 1-3 inches of mulch like pine bark on top of the soil to conserve water and keep weeds down. Leave 2 inches of air space around the crown as piling up mulch right next to the base can impede growth.
- Plant Easy Elegance® Roses in decorative containers to enjoy on your deck or patio through fall. Make sure to keep them in areas where they will get 6 hours of good, bright sunlight. Check out our blog on container planting to learn more.
- If you’re looking to plant a completely new rose in your landscape, you can shop the Easy Elegance® collection online or use our Find a Retailer tool to locate garden centers with Easy Elegance® near you.

- Water with a soaker hose in the morning. In most cases, 1 inch of water per week is ideal but if you have sandy soil or it is extremely dry, 2 inches per week may be best. Our blog on watering roses can teach you even more.
- Easy Elegance® Roses do not require a great deal of pruning throughout the year, however if you just want to get out there and enjoy, feel free to deadhead old blooms once they’ve faded to encourage re-bloom. Head to our blog on deadheading for more info.
- Enjoy beautiful re-blooming roses all summer long!
- Cut blooms for arrangements throughout the season. Combine them with other plants from your garden for a beautiful centerpiece. Check out our blog on rose decor for more inspiration.

- Continue to deadhead spent blooms through August, but do NOT prune the stems in fall or deadhead after September.
- Do not apply inorganic fertilizer in fall, as it will keep the plant actively growing late into the season, which means it will have soft growth susceptible to winter damage.
- Continue to water adequately until frost.
- After a couple of hard freezes and night temperatures stay below freezing, mound loose mulch such as wood chips, compost or leaves around the base of the canes up to a height of 12 inches. This moderates temperatures swings and is especially important on new plantings. If you have snow cover all winter, snow is an excellent insulator, too. Easy Elegance® Roses are hardy landscape plants, and once they are established in the garden they will last for years to come. Head to our blog on prepping roses for winter to learn more.
- Enjoy the beautifully formed rose hips that form on many Easy Elegance® Rose varieties. You can even use the rose hips to make jelly!
- Fall is also an excellent time to do some planting before the temperatures cool off, so make sure to check out our fall planting guide to learn more.

- Plan your garden for the coming spring with new varieties to bring new life to the landscape. Check out our spring planning blog to learn more.
You can order online during our shipping season or use our Find a Retailer tool to locate Easy Elegance® Roses at garden centers near you. Follow us on social @easyeleganceroses and tag us when you post a picture of your beautiful Easy Elegance® roses. And for monthly tips, inspiration, and more, make sure to sign up for our newsletter.